Pre-Approved Letter Of Consent (PLOC)
The Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) allows eligible Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP/LTVP+) holders who are spouses or children of Singaporean or permanent resident to work in Singapore. Eligible foreigners who apply for, or renew an LTVP/LTVP+ with ICA will be given the option to apply for one.
The PLOC is tied to an individual and not to any specific employer. Hence, the PLOC holder is not required to re-apply for it whenever there is a change in employment.
Key facts on Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) in Singapore
Get key facts on who is eligible to get a Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) to work in Singapore, and the type of occupations that PLOC holders are not allowed work in.
Find out key facts about the pass:
- Spouses and unmarried children (under 21 years old) of Singaporeans and permanent residents who are eligible for a Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP/LTVP+), and wish to work in Singapore.
- Eligible foreigners who are applying for, or renewing their LTVP/LTVP+ with the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) will be given the option to apply for one.
- Yes, they can request for another PLOC when they renew their LTVP/LTVP+ with ICA.
- No foreign worker levy or quota required.
- Conditions of Work Pass
- Employment of Foreign Manpower Act
Eligibility for Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) in Singapore
The Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) allows eligible LTVP/LTVP+ holders to work in Singapore without having to find a job first.
Who is eligible
You need to be a spouse or unmarried child of a Singapore citizen or permanent resident who is issued with LTVP/LTVP+ with the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) to apply for one.

Who can apply
When eligible foreigners apply for, or renew their LTVP/LTVP+ with ICA, they will be given an option to apply for a PLOC at the same time.
Duration of the pass
The duration will be the same as your LTVP/LTVP + that is issued by ICA.
The PLOC will no longer be valid when your LTVP/LTVP+ expires, or is cancelled.
If you do not wish to continue working, you do not need to cancel the PLOC. You can choose not to apply for PLOC when you renew your LTVP/LTVP+.
What if I’m not eligible for a PLOC
You need a Letter of Consent (LOC) if you wish to work. When you get a job offer, the prospective employer will need to help you apply for an LOC.
Taking up employment
When Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) holders take up employment in Singapore, the prospective employer needs to notify MOM.
To take up employment in Singapore, PLOC holders must:
- Show your employer the PLOC that was issued to you together with your valid LTVP/LTVP+.
- Comply with other specific legal requirements in Singapore (e.g. registration requirements to practise selected professions).
Notify MOM
Employers of PLOC holders must notify MOM:
- Before the PLOC holder starts work.
- Within 7 days from their last day of work.
You also need to remind your employee to renew their LTVP/LTVP+ with ICA 3 months before expiry.
Start of Employment
Once the Employer has notified MOM duly then the PLOC holder employee could start work immediately. It’s advisable to keep a copy of submission of notification with MOM by the Employer for records.
Comply with licensing requirements
As an employer, you must also comply with licensing requirements, such as for massage establishments, or security licensing from the Police.
Restricted Occupations
If you are a PLOC holder, you cannot work in certain restricted occupations.
PLOC holders are not allowed to work in restricted occupations such as:
- Journalist
- Editor
- Producer
- any religion-related occupation.
If you are an LTVP/LTVP+ holder applying for any of these restricted occupations, your prospective employer must apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) instead.
FAQ on Pre-approved Letter Of Consent (PLOC) For LTVP / LTVP+ holders:
The Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) allows eligible LTVP / LTVP+ holders who are spouses or children of Singaporean or PR to work in Singapore without applying LOC with MOM when changing the Employer but just with the notification to MOM.
Q: Is PLOC eligible to all Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP / LTVP+) holders?
- The Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) allows eligible LTVP / LTVP+ holders who are spouses or children of Singaporean or PR to work in Singapore without applying LOC with MOM when changing the Employer but just with the notification to MOM.
Q: When the eligible LTVP / LTVP+ holders can apply for PLOC?
- Eligible foreigners who apply for, or renew an LTVP / LTVP+ with ICA will be given the option to apply for one.
Q: What if I have just renewed my LTVP / LTVP+ without opting in or realising it?
- You need to wait for next renewal. The Pre-approved Letter of Consent (PLOC) option by ICA is given only during new application or renewal currently. Please remember to opt in while applying or renewing next time.
- Refer to the screenshot for opting in or out for PLOC with ICA while applying or renewing your LTVP / LTVP+.
Q: What can I do when I missed the chance of PLOC option?
- You could still get applied for normal LOC by your employer whenever you are finding a job.
Q: What is the difference between LOC and PLOC?
- PLOC is with pre-approved work pass by MOM whereas LOC is to be sought with approval by MOM which is subject to normal work pass processing when seeking employment by LTVP / LTVP+ holders.
Q: When I will receive the outcome of PLOC if I have opted in with my LTVP / LTVP+ application or renewal?
- You will receive the outcome of PLOC from MOM by email & letter within 1 week from the date of issuance of your LTVP / LTVP+ by ICA.
Q: When I will receive the outcome of PLOC once I changed my Work Pass to LTVP / LTVP+?
- You will receive the outcome of PLOC from MOM within 1 week from the date of cancellation of Work Pass by MOM, only if you have opted in for PLOC with ICA otherwise no.
Q: How long the PLOC will be granted by MOM i.e., the validity of PLOC?
- You PLOC will be granted based on the validity of your LTVP / LTVP+. The PLOC is valid only if your Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP / LTVP+) remains valid.
Q: Can I take any job with PLOC approval?
- PLOC does not allow you to work in restricted occupations such as journalist, editor, sub-editor, producer, or any religion-related occupation. Please check at MOM website ( for the latest updates. For these jobs, your employer needs to apply for a separate Letter of Consent (LOC).
- See the full list of restricted occupations.
Q: Should I pass the PLOC approval letter to my Employer to keep it when I am hired?
- No. You are required to show the PLOC approval letter together with your LTVP / LTVP+ to your Employer when the hiring is taking place. The Employer should return the PLOC approval letter to you after verification. The Employer can refer to it for details of personal particulars, approval date, etc for e-Notification with MOM.
Q: What is the link for e-Notification system for hiring PLOC holders?
Q: Who can access the e-Notification system for hiring PLOC holders?
- The Employer or the authorised Employment Agency could access the e-Notification system in relation with hiring of PLOC holders.
Q: What transactions can be carried out by the Employer or Employment Agency with this PLOC e-Notification system?
You can use this service to:
- Create a new e-Notification to hire the LTVP / LTVP+ holders.
- Amend details of the e-Notification.
- Update an e-Notification, such as to inform us when the employment ends.
- Reprint an e-Notification Acknowledgement Letter.
Q: Is there any fee payable for e-Notifications to hire a PLOC holder?
- MOM does not charge any fee for processing the e-Notifications in relation with PLOC holders.
Q: What if I (the Employer) lose the acknowledgement letter for the PLOC?
- You can re-print the acknowledgment letter using the e-Notification system.
Q: Can I change the information in my e-Notification?
- You can use the ‘amend notification’ function to amend information after you have submitted an e-Notification.
- If you are unable to amend in the system, you will need to re-submit your e-Notification with the correct information.
Q: Should the Employer keep the e-Notification acknowledgement letter under EFMA?
- The Employer should keep the e-Notification acknowledgement letter for employment records.
- The Employer must print and keep this acknowledgement letter at all times and produce it for inspection when required.
- The Employee may request the copy of e-Notification for own records.
FAQ on engaging our services for PLOC:
Q: Does ACHI provide services in relation with e-Notification for PLOC holders while hiring?
- Yes. We are an MOM licensed Employment Agency (EA) hence we could assist with any services related to MOM work passes including PLOC / LOC with authorisation.
Q: I am a PLOC holder and my Employer does not know how to notify MOM in order to hire me. Can I engage your service for such e-Notification to take up my employment?
- You could inform your proposed new Employer to engage our Employment Agency services with authorisation for e-Notification with MOM in order to employ you.